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Women And Career Advancement Right At Home

“Women belong at home” no longer means what you think it means. Today, it is one of the best ways to break free from the chains that have historically held women back. 

The Challenges Women Face In The Workplace

As it is, the professional world has been unkind to the ladies. Upon entering, they come face to face with various challenges that block their career progress. These obstacles also highlight the inequality they face. 

The Wage Gap

One of the harshest realities that women discover when they enter the professional realm is the significant wage gap between them and their male counterparts. In the Philippines, men in low-skilled jobs earn 50% more than their female counterparts. The gap can even be wider in certain regions. Globally, the pay gap between men and women is around 20%. 

Women often have to struggle through a wage gap.
Image from Forbes.

There have been various efforts to close the gap. In the case of the Philippines again, women working in highly skilled positions actually earn 20% more than men. However, even with these advancements, the pay gap is still present. That means they are not getting their work’s worth as much as they should. 

Hiring Discriminations

Beyond getting their rightful wages, women might find it harder to get a job in the first place. A study published by the PNAS Journals revealed men are still twice as likely to be hired for a position. To bolster their chances, women often have to hope for more female applicants for the job, even if it means that they have more competition.

Gender discrimination is a common challenge for the fairer sex.
Image from Florin Roebig.

This hiring discrimination becomes even more significant in the case of married women. They often have to contend with even lower chances of getting work. Worse, some companies actively don’t hire married women at all. 

The rationale for these discriminatory practices is the view that married women might have a hard time focusing on their jobs while tending to their families. Some companies even say that married women might leave the position should they decide to have kids. 

Sexism In The Workplace

But even if they get into a company, the travails of female workers don’t end there. They soon find themselves facing an even bigger challenge: sexism. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 42% of women in America have experienced at least one form of gender discrimination in the workplace. 

And as it turns out, this sexism is not always something of the overt kind. Some of the subtle ways that it can show up in the workplace include: 

  • Expectations of stereotypical tasks: The workplace expects women to do tasks traditionally associated with them, such as assisting in menial tasks or assisting other employees. 
  • Mansplaining: Men might believe that they can better explain something than the ladies. 
  • The need to explain their achievements: Women often have to continuously explain their achievements to others. 

These subtler forms often make it harder for women to move around in the workplace. They often feel like they are restricted. All of these can eventually hamper their professional growth. 

The Home, A Dead End For Career Women? 

And it seems that all these challenges further cement the idea that women’s place is only their homes. However, women are now fighting back against that notion. Instead of being a place for domestication, it has now become their stronghold for career growth. 

All of that is thanks to the introduction of work-from-home options. With it, the ladies have found a way to fulfill their home tasks while pursuing their careers. Statistics show that 57% of women in the US now prefer to work from home. 

The biggest reason for the sudden shift is that it gives them a lot more flexibility in their chosen work locations. With that, there is no need to leave their families behind. They also have more time for themselves as they are not caught between these two different worlds. 

Charting Career Paths Right From Home

But there is more to working from home for women than just helping them continue their jobs while tending to the household. More importantly, it gives women the equality they deserve at work. But how does that happen? 

two women in library or coworking are sitting oppo 2022 12 18 18 49 30 utc

One is that it gives them a safer haven to pursue their careers. Here, they don’t have to be constantly on guard against a discriminatory workplace. And they have better control of their work environment as they see fit. 

Furthermore, working from home gives women the power to decide how much they earn. By working with different clients from across the world, they can position themselves for better wages. This empowerment also helps them advance their careers.

Women, Grow Your Careers MORE Right From Home 

Women definitely belong at home. But that is not a bad thing. Instead, the home gives them unprecedented opportunities for career growth. And the ladies of Virtua Solutions know that well. So, as we celebrate Women’s Month, we encourage all the women out there to take control of their careers right from the comforts of their homes. May you all succeed.


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