Author name: Roger Decierdo

A Remote Team Feedback Loop To Boost Efficiency

A significant challenge for remote teams is keeping track of everything happening to the group and its members and then responding to issues that show up. Since the team is spread out geographically, members can’t just drop by your desk to provide a report. Having a tighter remote team feedback loop helps in keeping you […]

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Email Marketing Systems: Turn Email Marketing Into A Potent Weapon

Even with the advent of other channels like social media, reaching out to customers through email is still considered a popular online marketing strategy. It is even expected to grow more in the next few years. And to get the most out of that potential, you should have good email marketing systems in place. Here

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Work-Life Balance: How To Achieve It While Working From Home.

One of the often touted benefits that freelancers get from their chosen career path is the opportunity to spend more time for themselves. But as many would attest, reaping this benefit is far harder in practice, as they soon find themselves chasing deadlines and juggling more projects than they can manage. So, how do you

Work-Life Balance: How To Achieve It While Working From Home. Read More »

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