Startup Company Secrets: Building A Good Outbound Sales Script

Getting a good amount of outbound sales is vital for a startup company to have a good push. And a key to those sales is how well your agents can make their pitch. For that, a good outbound sales script will help a lot. Here\’s how you can build scripts that will turn those prospects into customers. 

How Outbound Sales Scripts Can Help Your Startup Company

While not everyone is a fan of using sales scripts, it provides you with different benefits. These benefits help your agents better push your offers to prospects. 

It Gives You A Place To Start

Having a script in hand will help your agents have a starting point for their conversation with prospects. They can use it to set up the direction they want the conversation to take. This also makes it easier for even new agents to keep track of where it is  

It Makes You Sound Better


If you are doing outbound sales calls, sounding confident in your pitch is a good way to convince prospects. With a script, you don’t have to fumble around for what to say. You also get to remember key points better, adding to the authority you present. 

It Improves Rapport

How well your agents interact with customers also plays a role in the success of the outbound sales effort. Scripts can help agents look prepared. It also makes it easier for them to overcome objections from prospects. 

It Decreases Stress


Trying to seal a deal with a prospect can put a lot of pressure on agents. This will affect their performance and can lead them to struggle. Scripts provide a fallback for them, easing their anxiety. Once they feel more relaxed, your agents can better focus on the task at hand. 

The Keys To Strong Startup Company Sales Scripts

So, how do you start writing your startup company’s sale’s script? Oddly enough, the first thing that you don’t want to do is sound like a salesperson. Through the years, salespeople have garnered a negative reputation of being so persistent in trying to push products that they become annoying. As such, people tend to avoid them. 

Here, you should build your sales script with the idea that your prospects are going to receive offers from other reps. Thus, you need to have a different approach from them. For instance, you might want to go on a more conversational route that doesn’t push your products or company a lot. 

Building Your Startup Company Values Proposition

Without talking about your products or company, you might wonder how you can push prospects to make the next step. What you would want your script to focus on instead is the value you want to provide them. Here, you answer a simple question: Why should prospects transact with you?

Your next challenge is how to make that value proposition irresistible to prospects. This is where a good amount of customer research helps. Look into the different pain points and desires they want to deal with. From there, you can determine which benefits to focus on to build up the proposition. 

Also, think about when your proposition will be most effective. Go back to your customer data and determine when people are most often raising the points you want to deal with. You can then time your outbound sales engagements to get their attention.

Choosing Your Script Structure

When finally crafting your outbound sales script, you have two options for the structure. You can either write it word for word or simply develop an outline that contains the salient points, like the one below. Both have different benefits that will decide which option you go for in a specific script. 


The word-for-word script provides agents with a definite direction for the conversation. This makes them handy for newer sales agents still getting the hand of the work. Meanwhile, outlines give agents more flexibility since they can use it whichever way they want as long as they cover the important points. 

Writing Qualifying Questions

This is often one component that is overlooked when building outbound scripts. Qualifying questions are those that help you determine at a glance whether a prospect is indeed suitable to be a customer. 

Some examples of such questions that you can incorporate in your sales script are: 

  • What brought you to us? 
  • How long have you been in the business?
  • What are the results you want and how do you want to achieve them? 
  • What will this purchase mean to you?
  • What will happen if you do not make this purchase? 

By carefully choosing where to place these qualifying questions in the script, your agents can more effectively convey that they are here to help customers. This also gives them a better idea of how to further engage these customers. 

Tackling Pain Points

One effective way to get your prospect further interested in the offer you have is by covering their pain points. So, how do you direct them towards that discussion? Your qualifying questions already give you that opportunity, But you need to connect those further to the points you are trying to tackle. 

For instance, after asking what kind of issues customers encounter, you can follow up by inquiring on how often they encounter these. Once you have gained their attention, you can ask additional questions to probe into the issues they experience. 

Another way go here is by providing examples of familiar pain points. In this case, you enumerate these points until the prospect responds positively to one. Keep in mind that you have to be selective in the examples you list. These should still be specifically applicable to the customer’s situation. 

Creating A Good Close For Your Startup Company Sales Script

How you end the outbound sales interaction will also contribute to its success. Your goal here is to convince them one last time to make the purchase. A good strategy to apply is to ask if they are satisfied with the information you provided. 


Note that this isn’t just about asking for affirmation. You also get to gauge their interest in receiving more information about your company. If they do state that they are not yet satisfied, offer to schedule another meeting so that you can fully discuss the products they are interested in. Ask them what things they want to cover and assure them that you will have a complete presentation before closing the interaction. 

Boost Your Startup Company’s Sales With The Perfect Script

With these strategies, you can create the right script for any outbound sales situation. But to make these scripts work, your startup company also needs the right team to employ them. Get in touch with us and we are ready to provide you with that team. 

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