Startup Company Persuasion Techniques To Boost Sales

For a startup company, getting a significant amount of outbound sales will help in gaining momentum. But pulling that off is by no means easy, as not everyone will readily jump into a deal. Thus, you need to be more creative in engaging potential customers. Here’s a selection of persuasion techniques that will help you close the deal. 

Persuasion Technique no. 1: Use The Information Gap Theory



The first step to do during an outbound sales engagement is to pique the interest of your lead. After all, they are more inclined to respond to something that catches their fancy. But how do you do that? 

This is where the information gap theory developed by economist George Lowenstein comes in. His theory states that if a person has less knowledge about something they are interested in, they are more likely to act and try to know more about it. By tapping into that urge, you can guide leads into exploring your product/service and discovering how it can answer their curiosity.

Image from Byrd Seed.

There are a variety of ways to can trigger that curious urge, such as: 

  • Asking a provocative question
  • Presenting an eye-catching statistic
  • Provide an intriguing headline

With these tactics, you provide only a small amount of information at first. As leads inquire, you gradually reveal more. Which info you would want to reveal depends on the direction that you want to take the audience. If you are presenting your business as a solution for their problems, you can take a step-by-step approach until they reach the final solution. 

Persuasion Technique no. 2: Leverage Your Startup Company Social Proof

Social proof is one of the most popular concepts thrown around in marketing. But what is it exactly and how do you take advantage of it to grow your startup company outbound sales? 



In its simplest definition, social proof is the tendency of people to respond to something based on the number of people making the same action. If many people buy a product, for instance, you are inclined to view that product more positively. 

Social proof in action.

An effective way to incorporate social proof into your startup company outbound sales strategy is by including testimonials in your sales materials. Product reviews are one of the common testimonials that you can use. These not only give positive recommendations but also provide convincing reasons from current customers. 

Another way to add social proof to your outbound efforts is by presenting an expert opinion. These opinions can also come through testimonials. Make sure that these testimonials speak to the concerns of your leads to persuade them better. You can also use certifications and trust seals for the same purpose. 

Persuasion Technique no. 3: Get Leads To Like Your Startup Company

Let’s face it. Not everyone is fond of a sales rep suddenly offering them products from out of nowhere. As such, before your sales team even starts throwing a pitch, they first need to get leads to like them. There are surprisingly simple but effective ways to pull this off. 

One is by exchanging personal information with the lead. Keep in mind that people are often wary of dealing with strangers. By letting them know who you are on a more personal level, you establish some initial rapport. A study even shows that this simple tactic can increase your success rate by up to 18%


Once you have that initial rapport built, you can start presenting your offer. But even here, don’t forget that you need to cultivate your likability. There are many ways to go, like addressing their current concerns or linking your product to their interests. Do it in a lighthearted tone to better draw their attention. 

Persuasion Technique no. 4: Turn Objections Into Selling Points

Even if the prospect does like your initial presentation, they might still have some objections. The next trick for your startup company is to turn those objections into selling points. This strategy helps you build up a better case for your offer. 

Some of the common objections that you might encounter are: 

  • Just send me the information
  • We don’t have the budget
  • Does your product do this or that? 
  • Sorry, I’ll have to get back to you next time. 

When you encounter these statements, you need to be ready to disarm the objection. The trick here is to first agree with the lead’s objections. You then explain how your startup company can solve their pain points. For instance, if they have budget issues, you can emphasize the unique value you offer for their budget range. 

Persuasion Technique no. 5: Ask For A Small Request

Instead of outright going to the big offer, you can open the conversation by making a small request. For instance, you can ask them if they are willing to get a product that will solve their current business problem. This is known as getting your foot at the door. 

The idea with the strategy is to get the prospect to say yes to that small request. That makes them more likely to agree with future requests and questions. Of course, this hinges on you making the right request. 

Use the information that you have initially obtained for the lead to identify the issues that they are most concerned with. When crafting your question, emphasize the solution for that concern. This will draw the prospect’s attention to it more and prompt them to respond positively. 

Startup Company Persuasion Technique no. 6: Remind Prospects That It’s Their Choice

Ultimately, leads are more likely to respond to an offer if they feel like they are in control. Thus, you would want to remind them that it is still their choice. But you should do it the right way to get a good response. 

Image from The Local Brand.

Start with a simple reassurance that you are not pushing your preferences. This gives them the confidence that they can still back out if they don’t really want to. That simple move can increase your chances of success twofold. 

But you don’t want to overdo this. After all, you don’t want to temper down any offer you present. Be selective when you apply this tactic. If you are asking for a large commitment from the lead, this strategy can help ease their worries.

Use These Tactics And Boost Your Outbound Sales

These simple strategies can bolster the outbound performance of your startup company. But to get more out of them, you want to have a sales team that can use these effectively. Virtua Outsourcing Solutions can help you, as our agents are adept in applying these to different situations. Contact us today to learn more

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