Meet Virtua: Virna Bringing Forth Spring

Every once in a while, you come across someone with a fancy name that you become curious about. And Virna is one woman with a name that will surely catch your attention. But who is this Virtua Outsourcing Solutions agent really? Let’s find out. 

Spring Is Here

Virna Dimalibot, or just Virna, is one of the newest members of the Virtua crew, working as a support agent for client Blue Maple. And with that unique name, you would want to know what’s the meaning behind it. 

According to her, the name actually means “spring green” in Latin. But she reveals that her parents weren’t even thinking about that when they chose the name. “They just added an R to my sister’s name Vina, and that’s it,” she chuckles. 

But that name seems very much appropriate for her, as Virna is very much energetic like the coming of spring. She opens her day by playing with her kids. And she makes sure that she still has enough energy by the end of the day to engage in more playtime with them. 

Virna remarked that it was no easy feat to balance her time between work and family. She adds that it has been even more challenging during the pandemic, where she also had to handle home chores. But she says that it was all worth the effort. 

The Flavors Of Spring

When she is not busy having a fun time with her kids. Virna is in the kitchen creating some tasty treats. She reveals that she is an avid baker and would regularly whip up tasty treats for her young ones. Chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon trolls, cheesecakes, doughnuts, you name it, she will bake it. 

But more than satisfying her and her family’s sweet tooth, Virna says that baking is a great way for her to bond with her daughter. Her little one helps in mixing the ingredients and dutifully watches when she puts the goodies into the oven to cook. Virna says that her little one seems to have inherited her love for baking even this early, with how attentive she is. 

Beyond her mundane interests, Virna gleefully admits that she has her obsessions. “Birkenstock!!” she proudly exclaims, referring to the popular fashion shoe brand. She has several of the brand’s sandals, which she wears when going out. And she is looking forward to wearing them again after the pandemic is over. 

The Tiger Of Virtua

Because of the challenges she has gone through to provide for her family, Virna likens herself to the tiger. Just like the animal, she had to be strong to overcome the challenges. And she also had to be fierce to fend off anyone who tries to harm her family. 

Virna says she can often come off as snobbish to those meeting her for the first time because of that fierce attitude. But she quickly dispels the notion, saying that she is more lighthearted in person. And like the tiger mom, she is very nurturing of her cubs and friends. 

When it comes to her stay at Virtua, Virna says she felt really at home in the company. The agent describes it as a smart workplace, saying that all her colleagues are intelligent. she  adds that everyone was very accommodating to her during her first few weeks. That made her training a lot more fun. 

So, are you ready for the spring tiger named Virna? Watch out, as she might be the one answering your support calls.

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