Filipinos are some of the most popular workers globally. They are well-renowned for their skills and adaptability to different jobs, making them highly sought after.
In the global BPO industry alone, they make up 15% of the total workforce – a strong testament to how much companies value their service.
To effectively tap into the Filipino talent pool, companies should know how to work with them effectively. This includes diving into the fun culture and customs they have in the workplace.
Let’s look at five Filipino work culture practices companies should be ready to embrace to connect with their Filipino team members more.
The Top 5 Work Culture Practices You Need to Know
Filipino Work Culture No. 1: The Warm Office Ambiance
Going to the office can feel like a dreary affair in this era of remote work.
You come in, get at your desk, and bury yourself into all that workload without interacting with colleagues.
This is not the case in a Filipino office.
Filipinos are well known to be warm and accommodating, and this warmth extends to the workplace.
Additionally, Filipinos are some of the happiest people around the globe.
According to the 2024 World Happiness Report, the country ranks second in Southeast Asia. What does that happiness mean in the workplace?
Well, once you enter a Filipino office, you can expect a warm smile to greet you regardless of your tenure in the company.
This warmth and friendliness mean a lot for companies as they create a more welcoming atmosphere that will help everyone feel more at ease.
How Filipinos’ Warmth Can Help Companies
Of course, that warm ambiance doesn’t come in right away. Leaders need to encourage it so that Filipinos can be more attuned to their warmth and friendliness.
This starts by encouraging a less formal setup. Employees can be less uptight in addressing each other, creating a stronger sense of community. Companies can also create informal spaces within the office to help Filipino workers and their colleagues interact more.

Another way companies can create a more informal yet professional work setup is by encouraging creativity and innovation.
This need not be something groundbreaking. Even something as small as letting employees create their work strategies – like organizing their tasks in their own way – encourages them to be more open to engaging with teammates.
Filipino Work Culture No. 2: Office Parties
Office parties are often a welcome break from the hectic work, and Filipinos are well-known fans of such celebrations and social gatherings. This is an extension of the above characteristic.
So what type of parties do Filipino workers look forward to?

Well, there are the regular ones like Christmas/year-end parties and team-building events.
With the Christmas/Year-end parties, you can expect Filipino employees to talk about it at least four to six months away – since Filipinos get into the holiday spirit as early as September!
Beyond these regular events, Filipinos also love impromptu ones.
Birthdays are arguably the most popular of these as employees can suddenly whip up a small eat-out at the office on their birthdays.
The same thing can happen in events like promotions, the birth or christening of a colleague’s child, and even bidding farewell to a resigning coworker.
Keeping Up With The Party
Companies should plan regular events like year-end parties and company celebrations well ahead. Tasking the HR team for at least a few months to prepare the event gives them enough time to polish the details.
For the more impromptu parties, leaders would still want to make it easy for employees to hold them. They can create guidelines on how these events should go.
Companies should mandate employees to inform their departments in advance about such plans. They should also implement a strict schedule for these impromptu parties, such as after shifts or during lunch breaks. This ensures they do not disrupt work while letting employees have fun and celebrate milestones.
Pinoy Office Culture No. 3: Small Talk
With their sociable nature, Filipinos are able to strike a conversation with anyone at the office. The conversations can run across anything from the happenings at home to the country’s political situation. These conversations create a more lively atmosphere at work.
However, there is more to these small talks than idle conversation.
Filipinos also use them to gauge their coworkers’ behavior and values, particularly the new ones. Through them, they find some connection with that colleague, such as common interests. This information helps them determine how best to work with their colleagues.
Handling Small Talk
Many companies are concerned that small talk can be a source of unsavory rumors that can create conflicts. Companies need to be strategic in incorporating it into their work practices.
The management can encourage these conversations by setting time for it. The start of meetings can be a surprisingly good moment for it, as small talk can help lighten the mood and get people more focused on the task at hand.
One approach companies can go with is creating informal channels within their office communication apps. These channels can focus on various topics employees might be interested in. Department heads can implement rules and monitor conversations to ensure everything is kept appropriate.
Pinoy Work Culture No. 4: A Strong Sense Of Humor
Another interesting characteristic of Filipinos is their strong sense of humor.
They can easily find something to laugh about, be it something silly or something mundane. Even an accidentally mispronounced name can send the whole office into laughter.
Filipinos also love some friendly banter. Once started, you can expect a snappy comeback from almost everyone in the room. There are also all sorts of safe pranks that office workers can pull off on each other.
All of these make the Filipino workplace lively and lighthearted.
And it’s not just for fun.
Research shows that a humorous workplace can increase productivity by 10%.

Keeping The Fun In Funny
Of course, there is always the worry about professionalism. Companies are also concerned about going overboard and affecting workplace dynamics.
As such, companies should be clear on the rules surrounding office humor. Anything offensive should be off-limits.
In particular, companies should be strict about jokes that refer to specific people in the company. Additionally, sensitive topics should be avoided.
As for banter, companies should emphasize that employees should be aware of when they might go overboard. In case of such breaches, the management should state the appropriate consequences through Codes of Conduct.
Filipino Office Culture No. 5: Innovation and Resourcefulness
One final aspect of Filipino work culture that companies will find interesting is that Filipinos are highly innovative and resourceful.
For starters, Filipinos are known for their penchant for recycling things. They can find various uses for items that have already been discarded. This resourcefulness is visible even in the office as they can reuse office stuff to lessen waste.

This translates well into their problem-solving ability as they can find solutions that might not be readily obvious. They can also help their teams come up with long-term solutions in a more proactive manner.
Tapping Into Pinoy Innovation
The best way companies can foster this innovative spirit is by being open to it.
Leaders should make it easy for their team members to provide feedback and suggestions. They would also want to encourage teams to be more insightful in using these solutions.
Companies should also provide suitable rewards for these contributions.
A simple recognition system will show Filipino workers their efforts are worth it. This encourages them to persevere more in solving problems – even before they come.
Embrace The Filipino Office And Tap The Best Talents
With their colorful work culture, Filipinos bring a lot of life into the workplace. Companies will definitely gain a lot by cultivating this culture. The lively work environment will surely encourage their teams to perform better and deliver more.
And what better way to bring that culture than team up with the best Filipino outsourced teams. Virtua is here to help you on that search. We will not just find the right talent for you, we will also ensure that they fit right into your company’s environment.
As a fully Filipino company, we are proud of our heritage and are ready to share it with you.
Dive into the fun Filipino work culture and gear up for success.