Author name: Roger Decierdo

SaaS startup business adaptability

SaaS Startup Business Adaptability: Making It Happen And Doing MORE

The SaaS industry is a very dynamic field, with the market changing at a fast pace. And for your startup business to thrive, you need to be ready for these developments. One of the ways that you can do that is by building an adaptive workforce.  But how do you go with building such a […]

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saas startup business customer health

SaaS Startup Business Customers: Keeping Them Healthy And Coming Back MORE

When assessing customer satisfaction, your startup business will likely use many metrics. And for SaaS products, there is a metric that you need to pay attention to, the customer health score. But what is it exactly and how do you get a better rating for it? Let’s explore this one closer.  Understanding How Customer Health

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startup business call center outsourcing

Startup Business Call Centers: How To Get MORE Of Your Outsourced Ones

When dealing with large customer calls, your startup business may choose to outsource everything to a call center. These services can help you ease the burden on your internal teams while ensuring that you can respond to customers better.  But these outsourced call centers are by no means a fire-and-forget solution. You still need to

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startup business occupational health and safety

Startup Business Occupational Health: Outsourcing For Your Employees’ Benefit

For your startup business to succeed, investing in your employees is as important as your products. That includes keeping them healthy during their tenure. However, with all the work that comes with running the business, you might have difficulty providing that to your team.  This is where outsourcing your occupational health services can be a

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startup business customer psychology

Startup Business Customer Psychology: Understanding What Makes Them Tick

Providing good customer service can be a complex effort. After all, you require a good understanding of what people want. Here, psychology can be a very handl tool. Let’s look at how it works and how your startup business can effectively tap it to provide better service.  The Basics Of Customer Psychology When people talk

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startup business referral marketing

Startup Business Referral Marketing: Boost It With Virtua Solutions

Word of mouth is arguably one of the best ways to grow your startup business. After all, recommendations from friends and family can be a powerful motivator for people to buy your products. And with that, actively taking advantage of it through referral marketing is always a good idea.  But running that referral marketing requires

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Startup company employee benefits

Startup Company Employee Benefits Outsourcing: Give MORE With Virtua’s Help

Ensuring that your employees get the benefits they deserve is as essential to your business as the profits. After all, your team becomes more encouraged to work when they know they are well-taken care of. But with all the work you do in your startup company, you can sometimes overlook this. To resolve that dilemma,

Startup Company Employee Benefits Outsourcing: Give MORE With Virtua’s Help Read More »

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