Author name: Aliesha Johnson

Outsourcing For Your Company: When To Start?

The way companies operate have changed overtime. Before, acquiring talent means considering how close they lived to the office. Today, more companies, small-scale or giants, hire the same experienced individuals wherever they are in the world. That\’s what we call outsourcing. But the big question is, when is the right time to outsource? Whether you

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CSR Training Program Development 101

Customer Service can make or break a company. That is why companies hire talented and experienced customer service representatives to ensure high quality output. However, hiring seasoned employees is just the initial step. If the company really wants to expand the knowledge, efficiency, and productivity of their support reps, a formal CSR training program is

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Building Social Relationships In A Remote Team

Work-from-home setups have shifted from being an option to a choice by many companies. Considering all the expenses of both employees and employers when running a physical office, the usual 9-5 working hours have been replaced with the flexibility of working anytime and anywhere. But, the one caveat of working remotely is the little to

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How Good Customer Service Can Double Your Revenue

“Improve customer service, increase sales”. This saying holds true across all industries and businesses. A study from the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) showed that when a company offers good customer service, 86% will pay more, and 40% will buy more. It has also been found out by White House Office of Consumer Affairs that superior

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