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Filipino Workers

Filipino Workers: The Myths And The Realities

The Philippines has become one of the most popular destinations for foreign companies seeking new talent. Filipino workers account for 15% of the global BPO industry and is expected to grow, making the country an enticing option to fulfill hiring needs.  However, while companies are excited about the prospects of

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Future proofing your business through outsourcing

Future Proofing Your Business Through Outsourcing

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.”– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, writer/statesman on future proofing.   The future is always something to look forward to for businesses. New opportunities give way to growth and expansion.  It can

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Overcoming SaaS customer service roadblocks

Overcoming SaaS Customer Service Roadblocks Through Outsourcing

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies changed the game. The SaaS industry revolutionized delivering digital products to the public.  However, doing so is not without its challenges.  In particular, providing excellent customer service can be challenging.  Luckily, outsourcing is a solution that SaaS companies leaders can explore to overcome the roadblocks to better

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Virtua diversity

Virtua Solutions: Taking Pride In Our Diversity

In its pursuit of delivering the best outsourcing services available, Virtua Solutions has brought together some of the best talents. And that thriving crew, with their diverse personas have become essential for our success. Discover how we celebrate that diversity.  Why Diversity And Inclusivity Matters To us Diversity and inclusivity

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Outsourcing Tenant Management

Outsourcing Tenant Management: The Secret To Better Tenant Relations

So you have finally furnished your new property. And someone has shown interest in renting it. But you are not done yet after the contract signing. What comes next might be even more challenging: tenant management. Discover how outsourcing can help you. How Tenant Management Works  Managing tenants can be surprisingly complex work.

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