A personalized service is something many companies aim for. After all, this is a great way to attract and build a loyal customer base. As such, many sought new ways to provide that kind of service. With that, the realm of customer personalization has become a very exciting one. Here are the trends 20224 will bring that you want to be ready for and better service customers.
2024 Customer Personalization Trend No. 1: Hyperpersonalization
Serving your customer’s every wish is the holy grail of personalization. But while it is arguably impossible, you can come very close. That is where hyper-personalization comes in. The goal is to deliver a service that matches customer preferences more closely than regular personalization.
Image from Business Process Incubator.
While attempts to deliver hyper-personalization have been around for years, 2024 is the year it finally blooms. That is because technology has finally caught on to it. The growth of AI and big data has allowed companies to add more categories under customer personas. That helps them better fit the service to each particular customer.
Another reason hyper-personalization will flourish is companies can effectively deliver that service now. Thanks to other emerging technologies like cloud computing, they can better sift through all that data and create the right services. These technologies also let companies deliver that service faster and to more customers.
How You Can Ride The Trend
To better take advantage of hyper-personalization, your company needs to lay the grounds for it. Firstly, you need the right tech. That depends on the type of service you want to offer. You can use AI tools in different processes throughout the customer journey. By determining the right combination of tools, you can tailor the service to each customer more readily.
Image from Techopedia.
Hyperpersonalization will also require that you have the right customer service talent on board. This one isn’t just about having more people to serve more customers. Your support team should also know how to connect with them using this more hyper-personalized approach. Virtua Solutions can provide you with that team and more.
2024 Customer Personalization Trend No. 2: Dynamic Content
Another essential aspect of effective personalization is giving each customer the specific content they need. But the main challenge is the fact that what they need constantly changes. Delivering relevant content for each of these different moments can be time-consuming.
Image from Visible.
That is where dynamic content comes in. It is content that automatically adapts itself to the particular recipient you send it to. You don’t have to create multiple content for each customer group in your campaigns. You only need to make general content and provide the parameters for each customer group.
Another great thing about this type of content is that you can better tune it to match the customer’s journey. You can deliver each section of the content when the customer needs it before they even request it. With that, you can better help them accomplish their goals.
How To Ride The Trend
The success of dynamic content relies heavily on how well you can understand customer actions. You want to anticipate their next moves and plot out the succession of content that would best suit these moments. The above hyperpersonalization can be a handy tool for this effort. You can also directly interact with these customers to better understand their content consumption behavior.
Image from Green Geeks.
How you deliver this dynamic content is also crucial. As with other content marketing approaches, you should determine the most suitable platforms. These platforms can also change as the customer moves on their journey. You need to adapt it to these different platforms.
2024 Customer Personalization Trends No. 3: Cookieless Personalization
A significant contention when it comes to personalization is about how customer data is collected. Cookies is one of the popular means of gathering that data but it has raised various concerns about how these affect customer privacy. There is a lot of issue about third-party cookies used by advertisers to follow users around the internet.
Image from Displaced Housewife.
Because of that, there is a move now to shift away from using cookies. Major browsers Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari have already announced they are blocking these cookies. Cookieless personalization will instead rely on activity indicators to predict possible customer actions.
Riding The Trend Right
One of the significant thrusts of cookieless personalization is using so-called zero-party data. It is the data that customers directly and, more importantly, willingly give you. Zero-party data is more trustworthy since the customer knows you will use it. On the other hand, you can get deeper insights since the customer is more willing to share different kinds of information.
Image from Agency Analytics.
However, getting zero-party data requires a considerable amount of effort. Good customer relations play a significant role in convincing them to provide that data. Virtua can help you with this through our customer success service. By helping them get the most out of your product or services, they see greater value in you and would be ready to share personal information.
2024 Personalization Trend No. 4: Values-Based Personalization
For the most part, personalization uses definitive markers. This could be demographics, online activity, or anything that gives a clear idea of how the customer goes around. However, values-based personalization is an emerging type that goes beyond these more deterministic details.
Image from Sean Heritage.
Values-based personalization is all about connecting with customers by aligning with the beliefs and values they hold. The main challenge here is that it requires more insight to understand these values and how you can connect to the customer through them.
How To Ride The Trend
To better deliver values-based personalization, you should know where to look for the exact data that give you that picture. Social media is particularly useful, as you see customers’ interactions with others. By exploring the pages they visit and the conversations they have with others, you get a better idea of their stance on issues.
Of course, the next challenge is creating the right service to cater to these values. Virtua’s customer success experts can help you work with customers better and reach their goals. We can also help you learn more about what the value nist,
Deliver A Personalized Service And Give MORE To Customers This 2024
Having a good idea of how to take advantage of these customer personalization trends can give you the edge in reaching out to and connecting with patrons. And Virtua is always ready to provide you with the tools that will make it happen. Contact us today to learn more.