Startup company website management

Startup Company Website Management: Succeed And MORE Through Outsourcing

Websites have become an integral part of business ventures, such that you would want to have one even if your startup company is just launching. But running your site is by no means easy. You need to constantly ensure that it is up and running for visitors that are coming in. 

And with all the work involved in managing your small business, that task can easily fall by the wayside. Here, outsourcing is one solution that you can take advantage of. Learn how you can effectively do it and how Virtua Solutions can help. 

Why You Should Outsource Website Management

Outsourcing your website’s management work can do a lot, not just for it but also for your business as a whole. Here are some of the significant benefits that you would want to take advantage of. 

No Delays In Website Updates

Your startup company can be sure of consistent update schedules when you outsource website management.
Image from

Updating your website regularly is one of the vital tasks you need to perform to keep it running. But it can also be the one easiest to overlook, especially if it is a particularly busy season. Through outsourcing, you can have those updates happening in the background. That guarantees that they are on schedule and that you implement all the necessary updates correctly. 

Increasing Your Website’s Security

Especially if you are running an ecommerce website, making sure that it is secure is a must. With outsourcing, you can quickly access an expert team that can implement the latest in security functions. And all of these at the fraction of the cost of getting an in-house team. 

Improving Your Site’s Overall Performance

Outsourcing can help you improve overall site performance.
Image from Hostinger.

The outsourced expert can do more than just manage your website as it is. They can also review it and determine how to improve it further. This isn’t limited to the workings of the site itself. These experts will help you develop SEO and marketing strategies to draw in more visitors. 

Planning Your Startup Company Web Management Outsourcing Efforts

To effectively reap the above benefits, you need to carefully plan how to outsource the management of your startup company website. The first thing to look into is the specific site management tasks that you want to send out. 

Note that the work encompasses a varied set of tasks. Some of these happen regularly while the others are done only at certain times or situations. The following are some of the most common tasks that a website manager will often handle. 

Security Monitoring

Outsourcing your startup company website management can help increase its security.
Image from Search Engine Journal.

This is an ongoing task that the manager needs to perform routinely. Here, they need to check if the different security software is up to date. Additionally, they ensure that you settle any paid subscriptions to any security service your site uses accordingly. 

Plugin Updates

Your startup company can have better plugin management thanks to outsourced website management.
Image from Hostgator.

If you are using WordPress specifically for hosting your site, the update of any plugins you might have typically happens every month. Note that this isn’t just a click and forget a thing. Once the plugin update is installed, the website manager needs to test these plugins to ensure they are working and not negatively affecting the site’s performance. 

Page Speed Testing

Fast loading speeds are critical to your website keeping the interest of visitors. Thus, the website manager also needs to test its loading speed monthly. From there, they will determine what issues might be causing any slowdowns. 

Startup Company Website Analytics

You can also combine all of those tasks into general website performance analytics work done monthly. The manager will also study which pages are performing the best and which ones are lagging. Additionally, they look into how visitors are engaging with the site. 

Startup Company Site Rankings

While it is often placed under general search engine optimization services, the website manager might sometimes take the duty of analyzing the site’s search rankings. In VIrtua Solutions’ case, we offer both services. The website managers we assign are well versed in SEO, ensuring that you get the right data about this aspect of site management. 

Outsourced website management can also provide you  with SEO services.

Beyond these major management tasks, you might also have other work relevant to your site’s operations. These depend on the type of website your startup company has. For instance, if you have an ecommerce site, your website manager might also oversee the uploading of products to its online database. 

In such cases, you might instead want to get a website management team, rather than a single manager. We can quickly provide that team for you from our pool of talents. That team is customized to your needs, so you can quickly fill any gaps in your website’s operations. 

Working With Your Outsourced Website Management Team

When you outsource your startup company website to us, we will handle the work without you needing to oversee things constantly. Nevertheless, it would help things go smoother if you keep in touch with us regularly. 

In particular, you will need to provide constant updates on relevant developments in other areas of your business. These developments impact how we operate your website. For instance, any new products you plan to introduce are incorporated into the site as early as possible. 

Virtua Solutions virtual assistant

By keeping an open line between us and your marketing team, we can quickly make these updates and changes on the site. On the other hand, we can also provide your marketing teams with feedback. This back and forth communication ensures that your website will be front and center of your marketing efforts. 

Another thing that sets us apart from other web management providers is we have a strong dedication to seeing your site succeed. As such, we closely study it to see what kind of improvements and developments we can make. These are not just your usual site enhancements, as we carefully consider your business direction. And you will have a say in these changes, as we will closely work with you in implementing them. 

Get The Best Web Management Team For Your Startup Company

Even if your startup company is just launching its website, you can catapult it to success with the right site management team. We are ready to help you there, from initial conception to after-launch maintenance. Sign up with us today to find out what we have to offer. 


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