startup company knowledge transfer

Startup Company Outsourcing: Effective Knowledge Transfer For Success

When working with an outsourcing company, knowledge transfers are an integral part of the whole process. But it can also be a complex undertaking, as there are many things that you need to take into account. So, how can your startup company do it right? Read on to find out. 

The Role Of Knowledge Transfers In Outsourcing

To better prepare for knowledge transfers when outsourcing, you need a clear grasp of its role. It pertains to the exchange of information between you and your outsourcing partner, to bolster each side’s capabilities. The process plays several essential roles in your business. 

It Enables Better Decision Making

Outsourcing firms provide you with an external view of your company’s decision-making processes. Through efficient knowledge transfer, they can give that viewpoint to you in a more organized manner. That lets you take advantage of it for crafting better decisions for the company. 

It Makes Problem Solving Experiences Reusable

One of the benefits of outsourcing is that you get access to experts for solving different problems. Knowledge transfer helps you collect all of the solutions they provide and organize them into a repository. You can then use this repository for dealing with similar problems in the future. 

Knowledge transfer can help your startup company better handle problems.
Image from GBS Corporate Training

Additionally, it helps streamline your work. You can use the problem-solving knowledge your outsourcing partner provides to determine areas that need improvement. From there, you can devise new solutions to help your work. 

It Stimulates Growth And Innovation

The knowledge you acquired through these transfers isn’t just for issues of current concern. They can also help you do more forward-thinking. Remember that the knowledge your outsourcing partner has comes from years of experience working with different clients. They can give you greater insights on which directions to go when growing your business

Knowledge transfers can bolster innovation
Image from WeWork Ideas.

Additionally, having the right knowledge in your possession will stimulate innovation. Your startup company can discover and experiment with new ways of doing business. The outsourcing firm can then help you put this innovation into practice, providing more knowledge for your use. 

Building Your Startup Company Knowledge Transfer Plan

Establishing an effective knowledge transfer process between your startup company and an outsourcing firm begins with developing the right plan. The plan will serve as your guide in handling and disseminating the knowledge you acquire from providers. There are several main areas that your plan should cover. 

The Type Of Knowledge You Can Share

First up, you need to decide on which type of knowledge you want the plan to cover. There are two different types you need to account for here: explicit and tacit knowledge. 

Your startup company needs to handle both explicit and tacit knowledge at the same time.
Image from Blogspot.


Explicit knowledge refers to the knowledge you can quickly transfer through simple means. These can include writing or talking to someone. On the other hand, tacit knowledge is the knowledge that you gain through your experiences. It would also require you to engage in shared activities to transfer or receive the know-how. 

The two play different roles in the knowledge transfer process. Explicit knowledge gives you the basics of whatever you are learning. Meanwhile, tacit knowledge takes those basics and uses them to help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter at hand. Of the two, the latter often gets more priority since it is a harder one to capture. 

Identifying Critical Process And Functions

The second key area that your knowledge transfer plan should cover is the important business processes that the knowledge transfer plan covers. You would also want to cover the processes the plan itself needs to implement. Additionally, you need to identify any support processes that are required. 

You need to map out the transfer process
Image from Helpjuice.

Once you have outlined the processes the knowledge transfer plan will focus on, you also need to assess its impact on those. Keep in mind that the transfer should not be disruptive to the business process. Make sure the people who know the process are there to assist in the process. 

Identifying Business Reengineering Opportunities

As has already been mentioned, knowledge transfers can pave the way for business development. Thus, your plan should already account for such opportunities. The outsourcing firm you employ can help you establish that identification process. Additionally, they can help you in standardizing and optimizing these processes. 

Business process reengineering requires effective knowledge transfer between you and your provider.
Image from Medium.

Implementing Your Startup Company Knowledge Transfer Plan

Now that your startup company has mapped out its knowledge transfer plan, the next stage is executing it. The work begins with identifying and collecting the knowledge you want to gain. Here, your culture plays a crucial role in facilitating that collection. 

Some of the ways that you can encourage a strong culture of knowledge collection between you and your outsourcing partner include: 

  • Encouraging the discussion of company problems and possible solutions
  • Active documentation of solutions
  • Seeking suggestions from both team members and external parties
  • Continuous mentoring and training of team members
  • Encouraging collaboration

When these ways are in place, knowledge sharing becomes a customary process between you and your outsourcing partner. This hastens the collection and increases the volume of knowledge you gain. 

Creating Your Knowledge Repository

Once you have collected the knowledge you want to gain, you need to organize everything so that both sides can use it as needed. Here, you will need to have an infrastructure that will house everything. Some of the components that you include are: 

  • Document libraries
  • Knowledge portals
  • CRM systems
  • Multimedia content
  • Reports
  • A dedicated team

The actual components you will need to develop depend on the goals outlined in your knowledge transfer plan. Additionally, consider whether both you and your outsourcing partner have the resources to support these systems. 

Sharing Knowledge

Another component that you need when implementing your knowledge transfer plan is a sharing mechanism. This mechanism will make it easier for any member of your startup company and its outsourcing partner to circulate any information they have. 

A knowledge sharing system will help your startup company better coordinate transfers.
Image from ResearchGate.

The main component of this system is the process document that explains how you should perform the transfer. It outlines how communication should be done between the person sharing the knowledge and the one handling the repository. There is also the follow-up process that confirms that everything is accomplished accordingly. How the whole mechanism would look depends on various factors, including your business’ nature.

Gain More Knowledge For Your Startup Company When Outsourcing

Once you have your knowledge transfer procedures, the exchange of information between your startup company and the provider becomes more efficient. But don’t stop there yet. You need to keep track of how both parties use that knowledge. Lastly, determine how you can gain new knowledge. Do all of that right and your outsourcing effort can lead the business to MORE growth


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