Startup Business Employee Training: How To Outsource It Right

As your startup business grows, you need to arm your new and existing employees with the right skills and knowledge. But with all the work that has to be done for the business, facilitating an in-house training program can be challenging. Outsourcing can be a surprisingly effective solution to this need. Here is how you can effectively tap into it to train your people. 

Why Outsource Employee Training?

With how crucial it is for employee performance, you might wonder whether letting a third party handle their training is a good idea. As it turns out, there are several important benefits to the move that will give your startup company a better result in this area. 

Gives Your Training Program Greater Focus


Maintaining a training program for your employees requires a considerable amount of work. For one, you have to spend time developing all the training materials. Aside from that, you also need to plan out how the training session will be conducted. 

And this is just for a single training program. Chances are, you will be doing a lot more in the future. With outsourcing, you can delegate these tasks to the firm while you get to focus on the training proper. Additionally, they can help you develop a more effective curriculum faster. 

Access To Expert Trainers

Often, companies tap their senior employees to oversee the training program and even be the trainers themselves. However, there is one issue with this approach. While they might have the technical knowledge, these seniors are not fully prepared as trainers. This can result in them struggling in the role. 


With outsourced training programs, you get access to actual teachers that can do a better job of educating employees. This ensures that the latter can complete the program and better take in the lessons. With that greater success, you can also expect improved performances. 

Greater Flexibility

Not every training program that you implement is the same. For instance, you might be running a company-wide training program for this month. And in the next month, you will be conducting smaller sessions for different topics. 


All of these different programs need specific preparations, which can add to the already tedious work of curriculum development. An outsourced firm can help you more effectively deal with these varied programs. For instance, they can take care of the smaller training sessions while you focus on the main program. Should your training needs change, the firm can also change direction accordingly. 

Deciding When To Outsource Your Startup Business’s Employee Training

Before you proceed to outsource your startup business’s employee training, consider whether it would suit your current needs. Some of the situations where outsourced employee training would be a good option include: 

  • You have some complex regulations to comply with
  • The company has a small staff and not enough qualified trainers
  • You need to meet certain legal requirements
  • There is a need to provide industry refresher courses for employees

The specific reasons you have will help determine what kind of outsourced training programs to go for. As such, take time to define what exactly your needs are and how this option will fit into your overall program. 

Another thing to consider at this point is how much to outsource. For instance, you might want to opt only to send out specific training tasks. In this case, you should ensure that your in-house training capabilities are enough to support these. 

Choosing Prepackaged Training Materials For Your Startup Business

A common option for outsourcing employee training is to go with prepackaged materials. These are materials the firm has already prepared for use by similar clients. They give you the advantage of shortening your curriculum development process. But you need to take a close look at these. Since there are several different outsourced training methods you can use, there are separate considerations for each. 

Classroom or Instructor-Led Materials

With classroom-based training, you need to take a look at how customizable the materials are. For instance, do they let you delete information not relevant to your company and add new ones? You should also look into how up-to-date the information they contain is. 

Image from Training Station

Additionally, see if the materials provide Certificates of Recognition. This will make it easier for you to record who has completed the course. Lastly, it should have ample technical support for any computer-based materials. 

Computer-Based Training For Your Startup Business

With computer-based training, you have additional requirements aside from those for classroom-based materials. These include:

  • Built-in interactivity: The included training exercises would be varied to help employees better understand and apply the lessons. 
  • Integration: Quizzes and other exercises should blend with the flow of the lessons to facilitate faster learning. 
  • Scheduling and tracking: The materials should already be bundled with scheduling and tracking software for faster implementation.

Note that you also need to look into the compatibility of your existing computer system with the materials. Outsourced training firms often provide several versions of these materials for different systems. 

Web-Based Training Materials

Online training materials generally follow the same format as classroom-based ones. However, you need to ensure that your current hardware and Internet bandwidth are sufficient to handle it. For the latter, multiple trainees should be able to use the system at the same time. 

Image from Explorance.

The program should also have an available Learning Management System to help facilitate the training and tracking of employee progress. Aside from this, the training provider should give you links to additional information for the topics, as well as connections to industry groups. 

Evaluating Outsourced Trainers For Your Startup Business

The lecturers that outsourced firms field already have adequate training to handle large classes. But you would still want to scrutinize them further to see how well they fit into your sessions. Look into their record to see how often they have handled your industry. 

You would also want to see what information will be covered in their proposed lectures. Compare that to the ones that you have already provided to employees. If they are too similar, you will need to coordinate with the trainer for updated lessons. 

Keep Your Startup Business Team Prepared With Outsourced Training

With careful planning and collaboration with the outsourcing firm, your startup business can develop an effective program for your team. And through long-term work with the outsourcing partner, you can continuously improve this program. All of these will help your company turn into a more competitive force in the market. 

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