One of the biggest issues that the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted was the impact of businesses on the environment. When companies had to cut down on their operations, many observed noticeable environmental changes. And for a startup business like yours, this becomes an even more crucial consideration.
Here, the challenge for you is how to incorporate that concept into your overall operations. Running a startup is already a lot of effort, and trying to be environmentally sustainable might seem a tall order. Here, outsourcing is a powerful solution that you can use. But how do you do that?
Why Environmental Sustainability Is Vital For Your Startup Business
While much of the focus about environmental sustainability is on large corporations, the topic also affects small businesses. However, these startups can sometimes view the matter in a negative light. That is mainly due to the perceived cost of maintaining an environmentally sustainable business model.
But going in this direction is a good choice. Protecting the environment offers many benefits for you and your customer base. And when tapped right, these can help you grow it further.
Better Risk Management
Risks are a perennial part of the startup business scene. At every turn, you might encounter something that can derail the growth of your business. And some of these risks are often tied to the environment.
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For instance, environmental changes brought about by climate change can affect businesses. While you can’t always avoid these risks, proactively making your startup more environmentally sustainable is a safeguard against them. Of course, you won’t be able to do it alone. But as more businesses follow suit, you strengthen your ability to fight these environmental risks.
Environmental Sustainability Improves Competitiveness
As you are already well aware by now, the startup business scene is a highly competitive one. Customers have also become more environmentally conscious about their purchases. Offering a more sustainable service is likely to attract their attention better.
Being environmentally sustainable also lets you adapt your business faster than competitors. It closely ties to the first point above. By effectively adapting to environmental changes, you keep your business going compared to others who might struggle.
Better Talent Retention
It might come as a surprise but fostering a more environmentally sustainable business can help you retain talent better. Such a startup also provides a stable workplace for talent. With that, your team would feel more secure under your wing.
Image from Vantage Circle.
But there is more to that. Understand that your employees are not just there for the money. They also have their personal beliefs regarding issues, including environmental ones. If they see you championing issues close to them, they become more inspired to help you succeed.
The Challenges Of Environmental Sustainability
Of course, trying to make your startup business more sustainable is not easy work. You will encounter several challenges that affect the success of your efforts.
The Cost
The biggest challenge that deters startups from implementing environmentally sound practices is the perceived cost. Depending on the measures you want to implement, you might need to implement considerable changes to do it successfully. These changes do create additional expenses.
In reality, that should not be the case. Environmental sustainability is all about being able to adapt to these changes. That also means looking for more cost-effective alternatives. Outsourcing is one good example of that approach. With it, you can implement your environmental solutions inexpensively.
The Knowledge Gap
Startups might also struggle if they don’t know much about making their business sustainable. According to studies, while 90% of business executives understand the importance of environmental sustainability, only 60% incorporate it into their strategies. On the other hand, only 25% develop it as an inherent part of their business models.
Image from Ukraine Gate.
That gap can be due to a lack of knowledge. As mentioned earlier, implementing environmentally sustainable policies requires a lot of work. That includes learning about the various requirements to accomplish it. As a startup business, you might not have enough time to go through and compile these requirements.
Outsourcing becomes a surprisingly useful tool here. Being at the forefront of business development, outsourcing firms are also at the top of the latest in environmental sustainability development. When you hire them, you also tap that knowledge. With that, you get a more adaptable team.
Sustainable Outsourcing For Your Startup Business
As much as outsourcing helps your startup company pursue more sustainable growth, you should also ensure the strategy itself is sustainable. Here, you should change your mindset about why you outsource in the first place.
Instead of focusing on just the business competitive aspect, you need to view outsourcing as truly a way to help the planet. The mindset gives you a more focused approach to finding outsourcing partners.
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Your goal here now would not just be about finding a partner to get the job done. You also need to weigh their methods and the environmental impact. For instance, you might want to get a team that fully embraces remote work. The setup allows them to work without needing transportation to a central office, which lessens their carbon footprints.
Defining Sustainability Goals
Once you and an outsourcing partner have decided to work together, you should define the environmental goals to achieve. Here, you need to align these goals with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These are the agenda developed by the organization to promote world peace and progress. There are 17 actions, and you want to choose the ones that most connect with your business. For instance, if you are in manufacturing, you want to follow these goals.
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Decent work and economic growth
- Reduced inequality
- Responsible consumption and production
Consult your outsourcing partner to see which goals they align with the most. You can then develop a joint strategy that benefits both sides.
Where Does Your Startup Business Go From Here?
Environmental sustainability is not a one-off thing. As these environmental changes continue, you should constantly adapt your business to the situation. A long-term partnership with a green outsourcing firm will help you chart the course for your startup company. Get ready and use your business for the planet’s sake.