Meet Virtua: Chesca, Our Tech Support Ace and Chubby Bunny Champ.

They say that being with fun-loving people always makes work enjoyable. And Virtua Outsourcing Solutions has no shortage of happy, fun people. One of them is the always bubbly and ever-giggling Francesca Cunanan, the woman whose chubby bunny score is 14 marshmallows. Top that!

F For Francesca And Fun

Francesca, or Chesca to her colleagues, is one of the company’s senior customer service/technical support agents. In fact, she is one of the first agents that joined the team during its birth four years ago. 


She laughingly says that people can mistake her for a snob when meeting for the first time. This, she says, is mainly due to her more serious attitude when it comes to work. But once it’s fun time, she gamely joins the ruckus.  And you can see that in her hilarious answers to our questions.

When asked what animal she considers to be her spirit animal, Chesca paused for a bit and giddily answered “Dolphin, I guess.” An odd answer but it seems to fit her well. In fact, she has some unique tricks up her sleeves.

Chesca revealed that she can stuff her mouth with 14 marshmallows while saying “Chubby Bunny.” She nonchalantly says right to us that it\’s something that she just thought of doing. Now, it has become part of her bag of tricks.

Chesca’s Day Out Of Virtua

Francesca describes her days as hectic. She starts the morning with some stretching and the obligatory cup of coffee. And to prepare herself for the work ahead, she does a bit of meditation. 

After that, Chesca braces herself. Outside of her shifts at Virtua, she tends to the house and takes care of her kids. She proudly says that being able to send her kids to school during these hard times is something of a major achievement for her. 

Chesca says cooking is one of the activities she loves doing. In fact, she has a collection of cooking utensils for different cuisines. We could just imagine how delicious dinner time can be at their home.

Staying Fit And Fab With Francesca

Despite her hectic schedule, Chesca says that she makes it a point to stay fit. She works in her free time. She says that she has been obsessed with jump ropes as of current and has a small collection of these for her sessions. 

Aside from jump ropes, Chesca admits that she has a fondness for shoes. She reveals that she has several pairs for different occasions. However, she said that she hasn’t used these shoes as much as she wanted due to the pandemic. But she is looking forward to wearing them again when everything is back to normal. 

Chesca’s Virtua Experience

Chesca describes her time with Virtua as one solid experience. And having been in the team for so long, she has become one of its most recognizable agents. Her husky voice has become one of the company’s trademarks. .

She states that it is all thanks to the company providing her with a stable job during these times. With that, she makes a serious effort to share her knowledge as a freelancer with the newer members of the team to help out. 

And that’s Francesca Cunanan for you. Be sure to keep your ears open as the lady with the husky voice might be the one greeting you on your next support call

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