Meet Virtua: Feisty Feline Kat Leonen

Cats often seem to be serious, no-nonsense animals. And you might think that someone named after the animal shares the same characteristics. Let’s find out if this is true as we get to meet Virtua Outsourcing’s very own Kat. 

The Serious Kat Of Virtua

Maria Katrina Leonen, or just Kat, is one of the customer support agents assigned to NFG. She has been with Virtua for nearly a year. Like her namesake, Kat says that she can come up as being too serious to those who meet her for the first time. 

But she says that’s not the case once they get to know her in person. Kat claims that she can also be lighthearted at times. And like her namesake, she can be laid back, just enjoying the moment. 

During those times, Kat says that she just listens to music. Praise songs are her favorite melodies to start the day, as these help her keep grounded and be grateful. But she also says that she has her guilty pleasure in the form of alternative OPM songs. 

Keen observers might find her surname to be familiar. Kat reveals that it is no coincidence, as Supreme Court Associate Justice Marvic Leonen is indeed her distant relative. She says that her grandfather and Judge Leonen are cousins, hailing from a family of lawyers. 

Kat says that she has always been impressed by the background of her family. But she felt that she wasn’t cut out to be a lawyer. Thus, she decided to head out to the services industry, and eventually joined Virtua. Kat proudly says that being part of the company is like her finding the “perfect harmony” between her virtual and real life activities. 

Klassy Kat

Popular media also often depict cats as being sophisticated creatures. Kat certainly has that sophistication down pat. She begins her day with a hot cup of coffee and a puff of a cigarette. Kat says that the routine helps her get into the mood for work. 

But aside from the smell of coffee, Kat says that the smell of perfumes also help her get into the mood. She admits that it is one of her biggest obsessions these days. She buys a bottle or two of the latest scents every once in a while. The classy Virtua agent even likens them to chocolates. “They are my shot of serotonin,” she gleefully describes. 

A Kat That Is Also A Dog

Despite her feline name, Kat actually identifies more with the dog. She says that, just like it, she is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. Kat is also ready to lend a hand to anyone needing some help. And like the dog, she will go to great lengths to fulfill her mission to that person. 

In fact, Kat declares that her greatest achievement is the lives that she made a difference in. She says that it has always been her desire to help people. And even if that help is small, Kat believes it can change people’s lives significantly.

On a lighter note, Kat says that she is also very alert like a dog. “I am attentive even when sleeping,” she grinned. Kat says that alertness has helped her in many ways, which is why she has always been thankful for it. 

And like a mutt, Kat loves to lie down after the day’s work. She says that soft music is perfect for her lullaby. Kat finally ends the day with a silent prayer for another great day at Virtua. 

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