Seal the Deal: Convince Clients to Hire Your Company

These days, many companies are out there, probably looking at their shot to pitch an idea and get the client to invest in their services. The question is, what sets you apart from the rest? How can you convince a client that you should be the one they work with? Read on to find out!

Approach them on a personal level

The language between a company and a client is business. It is through the understanding between these two parties that connections are made. However, what most companies fail to think is that not everything can be acquired by being business-minded all the time. Sure, if you were to pitch for a client, you might focus on the services you offer, the statistics, the revenues, and all other technicalities. Nothing is wrong with this thinking. However, solely focusing on the quantitative measures may be too common. 

Most of your competitors are probably doing the same technique as yours. They will also bring out their best cards and impress the clients. So, what do you need to do? Instead of just saying that you are good in this field and whatnot, you should focus more on the “WHY”. Why do you offer this service? Why are you in this business? Why do the clients need to hire you? 

You must know that the clients are most likely aware of what you do but not much of the underlying reason why you do it. The effective way to approach them is on a personal level. Without lying or making up anything, tell them a story on your humble beginnings, your journey, and the destination you finally arrived at. Being emotional doesn’t mean that you should cry and be embarrassing, it only means that you have to show them that there is more to your company than just pure business. 

Strategize differently


One of the many mistakes of companies is that they only create a single plan or strategy for all the clients they wish to work with. It is important to note that each client has their objectives and goals. If you don’t create a proposal that is not specifically suited for their services, you wouldn’t be able to convince them that they should consider what you are offering to the table. 

When making a proposal, the idea is to understand what and how the clients work. This matters since you also have to know whether you can accommodate and be of service to the client. Another thing is to attract clients instead of just plainly reaching out to them. How do you do this? Let your presence be seen and heard in the industry you are working on. Expand your marketing and advertising strategies to the point that prospective clients already know your name. 

What is your USP?

There are several companies like you that also offer the same services. The competition is high that your chances of getting that win are quite shaky if you don’t know what sets you apart from the rest. Knowing your Unique Selling Proposition(USP) and working on that will makes you stand out. Whether it is the product you offer or the type of business model you are following, make sure that you highlight this powerful tool that you have.

Prepare for the unexpected

Sometimes, even if you prepared everything to impress a client, there are unexpected questions and issues that may arise during a meeting. For example, a client says that the product or service you are offering is priced higher and they cannot afford it. How do you plan on addressing this on the spot? When scenarios like this happen, instead of saying that your price is already affordable, explain to them the inclusions of the package and why you arrived at that computation.

Another example is when the client said that they don’t seem to need whatever it is your offering. You can counter this statement by explaining how your product or service will be helpful for them in the future. They may not see its use in the present but you have to make them realize that they will have an edge over their competitors if they avail of what you are offering immediately. 

Follow up


Clients are busy people just like you are. If you want to save time from constantly worrying whether you can close the deal or not, make sure to follow up from time to time. Asking for updates is also beneficial on your part as the clients will know if you are really interested to get them. The thing is, convincing clients doesn’t stop when you presented a pitch. You won’t get the sale if you just sit there and do nothing. So, when there is no response coming from them, do your move and contact them. 

Sign The Contract!

Convincing clients to hire your company is not a walk in the park. Most often, you will encounter failures along the way. However, even if the road is quite rocky at the beginning, you will be able to find your way in due time. Just practice these tips and you will surely be able to close that deal and sign the contract.

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