One of the keys to the success of your startup business is hardworking employees. After all, when they are all geared up for work, you can be sure that your team will give customers the best service. But you might wonder how you can get your team psyched up for the task.
After all, good pay is just part of the equation. You still need other ways to help your team get into the groove. And that is an art in itself. Let’s take a dive into this art and learn the handy tricks.
The Challenges To Employee Motivation
Okay, you might think an energetic people talk is all it takes to motivate employees. However, that is not always the case. For your words to better reach them, you should understand the things that demotivate them. Here are some of the common ones that you will often encounter.
Low Self Confidence
Image from LinkedIn.
One of the biggest roadblocks that can affect employees; motivation is their own confidence. When they have low self-confidence to begin with, no amount of pep talk can get them back up. Such low self-confidence might be due to issues outside of their work. In this case, you might need to reach out to them to understand these issues better.
Low Expectation Of Employee Success
Another issue that can demotivate an employee is if they don’t think they will succeed in their current endeavor. It usually happens when they feel they are not getting what is due to them. That may be due to their own perception of their value to you and the company. If this happens, they become less enthusiastic about performing their tasks.
Fear Of Failure
Employees may also become fearful of failing at the task at hand. It can often happen if they have one with a lot resting on them. On the other hand, they might also deal with higher-ups who put too many expectations on them. They might often try to evade the responsibility given to them.
Lack Of Clarity
Employees are motivated to accomplish a task if they know what to do exactly. Thus, when these directions are unclear, they might lose interest. That can lead them doing the work halfheartedly.
Lack Of Confidence In The Company
Image from Lolly Daskal.
While you might have a lot of faith in your team, they also feel the same about you. After all, their success lies in your own. If they feel like the startup business is not going anywhere, they might lose interest in helping it. That loss of motivation can either result in underperformance or you losing talent.
Motivating Your Startup Business Employees The Right Way
Now that you know what might cause your startup business employees to lose confidence, the next question is how to bring it back. You need a good mix of strategies to help them rediscover and nurture their passion for the work.
Setting Employee Goals The Right Way
You already know the importance of the right goals for business success. But you should sit back and ask yourself what these goals mean to your team. They might view these as a means of accomplishing the work for the day.
Image from ISA Global.
To get employees more invested in your business goals, you need to help them better understand what these mean for their goals. For instance, you have to connect the idea of your company’s financial success to that of its own. Here, you should consider even minor goals and align them with your larger business goals.
It is also helpful for you to understand how attainable your business goals are. Never force employees into achieving goals that are hard for them to accomplish in the first place. Gather them and get a good grasp of their capabilities. You can then use that to develop more attainable targets for the company.
Providing Meaningful Employee Feedback
You already know how crucial feedback is for the improvement of employee performance. But do you stop and wonder whether you are indeed delivering meaningful feedback? Often, you might be too focused on performance metrics that your feedback is only about how to improve those.
Image from AvatarMS.
While there is nothing inherently wrong here, such feedback can feel very mechanical. Employees might feel like they don’t gain anything from those. You will need to change the kind of feedback you give. Here, it would be better to present concrete examples of what they are doing right or wrong. That gives them a better picture of how they can improve the task.
Create A Rewarding Employee Environment
As you already know, rewards are a great motivator for employees. But don’t think that it’s just monetary rewards. Your employees might also want something else that will get them going. For instance, they might be looking for additional benefits or incentives.
Here, it would help if you give your employees a voice on what incentives they might want to get. When they know that they have a say here, they become more interested in working to get those rewards. But you should also be clear about what rewards and incentives you can actually provide. This helps them temper their expectations.
Providing Life Outside Of Work
Sometimes, your employees might feel like their work is already taking over their life. That can make them lose focus on the task at hand. As such, reminding them that they have a life outside of work is a great motivator.
Image from Solve PM Problems.
One particular way you can do this is by encouraging breaks. Often, managers may see breaks as a disruption of work. But you should go against this belief. Studies have shown that short breaks can help increase productivity. Give your team the freedom on how they will spend those breaks.
Beyond that, you should also provide greater scheduling flexibility. Bear in mind that your employees have responsibilities outside of work. Giving them the freedom to fulfill these also gives them peace of mind at work. That is essential, as it encourages them to also excel at their work.
Keep Your Employee’s Spirits Up And Watch Your Startup Business Grow
Happy and fulfilled employees will definitely be a boon for your business. Thus, you should always make it your mission to keep them always motivated to be more. Master that and your business is on the road to success. Virtua Solutions is always ready to help you out.