With all the stresses that remote workers suffer, they often find themselves troubled or depressed. And this can hurt their performance. As such, companies should be ready to help them get back on track. Here is how you can develop an effective employee counseling program for your remote team.
Why remote employee counseling is important
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on improving employee wellbeing. Mental health is one particular area that received much focus. As studies began to uncover the effects of work-related stress on employees, companies also started seeking ways to mitigate the problem.
This is where employee counseling comes in. Also called workplace counseling, it is a therapy program offered by companies to their employees. The companies shoulder the bill as part of their wider employee assistance programs. In these sessions, employees can consult trained counselors about their work and personal issues. It offers plenty of benefits for the employee and the company.
Providing a haven for discussions
Even with human resources heads being ready to listen, employees might still hesitate to talk about their issues. This can be due to them being unsure whether HR can help. With a counseling program, employees get access to professional counselors who can better handle their issues.
Employees understand themselves more
While the employee counseling session focuses on present issues and problems, it can help employees discover more about themselves. These discoveries will help tnem project themselves better and decide what course to take next. That helps them be a more productive part of the team.
Better coping skills
Counselling also helps employees cope with the different challenges they encounter not only in the workplace. They also become better at handling criticisms. This is crucial as it helps them keep their motivation and continue working. They also get to see a more positive aspect of these criticisms and improve on the work they do.
Reduces absenteeism
Absenteeism is a major problem that can affect not just employees but also the whole team’s operations. While there are many reasons why an employee can be absent, frequent absences can often be traced back to stress-related issues. Counseling will help both the employee and the company get deeper into the habit and create an effective solution for resolving it.
Lower turnover rates
Companies know how costly it is to scout and train new employees. As such, they would want to keep their top talents for as long as possible. Counseling can help persuade these talents to stay by showing that the company is right beside them during hard times. It also helps maintain good relationships between members, keeping the team together.
Creating an effective employee counseling program
There are many ways that you can go about creating your remote employee counseling program. However, you would want to pay special attention to a few central elements. These determine the process that you will follow in helping out troubled employees.
The qualities of a good counselor
While you can just sign up for a counseling service and be done with it, being familiar with the qualities of a good counselor is a must. You will understand more the job that they do, as well as how you can work with them. Additionally, you can be confident that they will be able to help your employees resolve their issues.
Some of the essential qualities that you would want to see in a good counselor are:
- Expertise: In most cases, you would want to go with a professional counselor, since they are well-trained for the job. However, senior members of the team can take the part as long as they are experienced with handling employee issues.
- Good listener: Counseling requires a lot of patience when listening to employees’ problems. The counselor must also be quick to pick details that might not be apparent to everyone.
- Flexibility: Since each employee’s issues might be different from others, the counselor should be ready to adapt their mindsets to better assist patients.
- Sense of humor: Having a good sense of humor and knowing how to cheer troubled employees will increase their receptiveness to outside help.
- Positive outlook: A good counselor should be able to show the employee a more positive view of their situation and steer them to a better career direction.
Talking with the counselor will help you better assess these qualities. You might also want to ask them how they conduct their sessions to determine their methods; compatibility with your team.
The types of employee counseling
Another important factor you should understand is the different types of counseling you can use. There are three types available, with each being useful in certain situations. By determining which type to employ, you will increase the chances of a successful intervention.
The first type is directive counseling. It is a full-on process where the counselor listens to the employee’s problem. They then provide the employee to devise a suitable solution. The counselor also serves as the main motivator during the interview process.
In non-directive counseling, the employee is the one who determines the course of the interview. They do this by freely expressing their issues and feelings. The counselor then encourages the employee to decide what they think the best solution would be. This method works well for reducing tensions and frustrations, as employees get the chance to freely express themselves.
The third method is cooperative counseling. It combines the first two typesto create a more versatile method. Here, the focus is on the counselor and the employee exchanging ideas. They also pool in their differing knowledge to come up with a solution that would best suit the problem.
Doing remote employee counseling
When providing counseling services to your remote team, you need to do it promptly. Do the intervention as soon as the first signs of an issue shows up. Set aside a schedule in advance so that the employee can prepare. You can also let them bring someone else during the session if they would feel more comfortable.
Addressing the issues
The first step in counseling remote employees is identifying the issues and problems to be resolved. While you are already aware of these beforehand, don’t start enumerating these in front of them. Such an action would only get them more defensive and refuse assistance.
Image from GO1.
Instead, ask what they think the problems are. This allows them to introspect into their situation. Start by asking open-ended questions and listen closely to how the employee describes their problems. Take note of whether they can come close to the actual issues that you have observed. Also, listen to whether they can articulate a plan for dealing with the issue.
Providing feedback
After listening to the employee, you need to provide an assessment of the issue. Here, you compare their statements and your observations You then provide your feedback and suggestions. Some elements of good feedback include:
- Good delivery: You should not be judgemental when providing feedback. Instead, make it so that your comments will inspire the employee to take action.
- Descriptive: You should be clear on what the feedback is for. Also, describe the solution in detail, including the specific areas the employee should improve on and how.
- Constructive: Focusing on how employees can improve and expressing your appreciation for their efforts will help employees be more motivated to improve.
- Empathic: Use the right words to convey the message of your feedback without getting on the employee’s wrong side.
- Goal-oriented: Create a goal that you and your employees can aim towards to motivate them further.
By taking these elements into account, you can provide feedback your employee will not only understand but also take to heart. They will then be able to implement it more effectively and deliver better results.
Following up
One thing that you should note is that a single counseling session might not always resolve employee problems. You need to follow up on them regularly to see how they are doing. Based on your observation, decide how to conduct the next sessions with them.
During those sessions, ask them how they are feeling at the moment. Encourage them to be honest about whether the strategies you devised works. You would also want to ask employees if new issues are bothering them. Don’t forget to praise employees for positive outcomes to encourage them to continue.
Use employee counseling to boost your team
Employee counseling is a great tool not just for helping your team address their problems. It will also go a long way in boosting their performance. Follow the strategies here and you will see everyone achieve their potential soon enough.