A Strong Start For Virtua and Its New Partner Clients

Virtual Outsourcing Solutions is off to a strong start this year with two new clients signing up for its services. The company revealed the details about these clients while expressing its optimism about its growth. 

Blue Maple

The first new client Virtua unveiled is Blue Maple, a US-based property management firm. The company currently owns 13 different properties across the states of Virginia and West Virginia. 

Virtua co-founder Penny Camille Lat said that they will serve as the foundation of Blue Maple’s customer support department. Lat said that she currently serves as the operations manager for that team. 

Penn Camille Lat

She said the team mainly handles Blue Maple’s guest communications needs, with them providing 16 hours of support availability. This service primarily covers support through SMS and voice calls but they also occasionally handle emails. 

Lat said that since they were the first customer support team for Blue Maple, they had to build all the processes from scratch. The company’s CEO Anthony Cappaert closely guided the team as they built the processes. 

There are currently three agents assigned to handle Blue Maple’s customer support. Lat said that they are also currently working on inventory management for it. The Virtua head said that working with Cappaert for the past eight years made the development of the support team easier. Latt also worked with the latter’s former startup firm Contactually. 

Good Sphere

The second new client Virtua unveiled is Good Sphere. It is a startup business providing coaching services for those working in the real estate industry. Virtua currently deploys two agents for customer support. The support covers mainly SMS, with a window time from 8 AM to 8 PM EST. 

Lat said that she has also previously worked with Good Sphere head Zvi Band at Contactually. Band served as the CEO of the firm before it was acquired by another company. As is with Cappaert, She said that her long working relationship with Band helped in seting up the team for Good Sphere. 

A Strong Start And A Growing Company

Lat and Virtua co-founder Francios Guintu expressed their delight over the entry of new clients. In his address to employees, Guintu said that this has been a great opportunity for the company. He added that these new clients and other new projects will greatly help Virtua expand its business. 

Francis Guintu

The company also recently unveiled its partnership with behavior control device manufacturer Pavlok. As is with the two new clients, Virtua is mainly providing customer support services to the company. It also handles several other support duties. 

Virtua’s chief officers also took the opportunity to welcome the company’s new members. These included the two agents assigned to handle the Pavlok account, as well as new additions to the Blue Maple and Good Sphere teams. 

Guintu and Lat expressed their optimism that the new members will greatly help in their efforts to deliver quality service to clients. They added that the excellent work that the teams have done will attract more startups into its fold and give Virtua a strong start to its expansion. 

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