startup company saas client portal

Startup Company Guide To The Best SaaS Client Portal Software

When running a SaaS startup company, you have to ensure your customers get the help they need. And for that, having a client portal is always a great idea. But while you can build that portal from the ground up, using premade software can save you a lot of development. 

Of course, the next question is which ones you should get. After all, there are tons of options out there. Luckily, we have made the search easier for you. Here, we list some of the best you can get for your business.

What Your Startup Company Should Look For In A Client Software

Before we get into our list, you might wonder what exactly makes for a good client portal software. Here are some key features you should consider when shopping for one. 

Customizable dashboards

Your startup company should choose a SaaS client portal that offers customizable dashboards.
Image from htmlBurger.

The dashboard is the first place customers head to when accessing your portal. As such, they might want to organize it as they prefer. Thus, a good client portal software should support a decent amount of customization options for these dashboards. 

Online Workspaces

If your SaaS platform is used by companies or organizations, your client portal should have an online workspace. That lets members of the client team exchange information on the platform. The feature should also be readily integrable into your service to create a more seamless work environment. 

Access Control

On the other hand, your chosen client portal should have a good amount of access control. This feature lets clients create different access levels for their users. Additionally, you want something that gives you more flexibility in creating access rules. 


As is with any business transaction, security is vital. Your chosen client portal software should provide an assortment of security features that match customer needs. In particular, it should have an encryption feature that lets users send protected messages to their teams. 

A good SaaS client portal needs to have stringent security measures.
Image from Virtru.

Note that these are just the general features to consider. The more specific ones you choose should fit into customer needs and the services you offer. With that, let’s check the best client portal software you can incorporate into your SaaS business. 

Client Portal Software no. 1: Zendesk

Zendesk is probably one of the most recognizable client portal solutions available. And rightfully so. It comes with many features that make it easy for your customers to do various activities within their space. On the other hand, the platform makes it easy for you to track these activities to improve your SaaS service. 

What Your Startup Company Is Getting

One of the best things Zendesk offers is the ease of creating branded portals. You can create your custom color scheme and import your logo into the dashboard. This is great for marketing your services further. 

Startup company client portal Zendesk
Image from Zendesk

Additionally, you can readily integrate the portal into your website. It lets you use your own domain, making it easier for users to access. This one even features a single sign-in for faster use. 

The software also lets you integrate various client support functions from your site. These include things like file management, self-service options, and community forums. There is even support for tracking billing information. 

Client Portal Software no. 2: Huddle

For a startup company like yours, additional software also means additional costs. As such, you might want to opt for a free solution for your client portal needs. One of the best options you can get is Huddle. And you don’t have to install the software into your server. Instead, your clients access it through web browsers. 

What Your Startup Company Gets

One thing you might worry about with free software like this is that they might not have the same capabilities as their paid counterparts. But Huddle proves otherwise with its selection of features. 

Huddle dashboards
Image from Ideagen.

For one, it lets users download files up to 10GB in size. That is great for teams who run a lot of files through your SaaS software. The software readily integrates with Microsoft Office and Google G-Suite, allowing for seamless operation. The multiple file-sharing capability also lets users share up to 500 files simultaneously. 

Another great thing about Huddle is that it has invitation-only workspaces. That is great for clients who want finer control of their customer portals. You can also provide email customizations to help users. 

Client Portal Software no. 3: Freshdesk Customer Portal

If your startup company is getting a lot of support tickets, you will need a client portal that can adequately handle such volume. Freshdesk offers that capability for you. In addition, you get a good selection of tools that can help your clients a lot. 

What Your Startup Company Gets

Freshdesk comes with a pre-set interface that you can quickly launch during the initial operation of your client portal. You can populate this interface with the content that clients will most likely look for. That helps reduce the number of tickets submitted since the answers are readily accessible. 

Startup company freshdesk dashboard.
Image from Freshdesk.

Another great feature that your customer support team will love is the built-in algorithm. It works by studying the customer queries and providing the relevant answers the next time they check-in. There is also an option for clients to create a custom knowledge base using the included portal building tool. 

Client Portal Software No. 4: Accelo

Keeping track of your client billing history can sometimes be a challenge. Accelo provides you with a tool that makes the work a lot easier. It also lets your clients better manage their online data, aiding in better use of your products. 

What Your Startup Company Gets

Accelo gives you quick on-demand access to all the client information you need. You can quickly fetch billing records and other data you need to manage their subscription. The platform also provides that same level of accessibility to your clients, so they can manage their data more effectively.

Startup company accelo dashboard
Image from Accelo.

Another great thing about this software is its customer-centric process automation. With that, your clients can quickly perform various account management tasks. These include looking for files, updating these, and real-time progress tracking. 

Give Your SaaS Startup Company Customers More With These Portal Options

Using these client portal software is not just going to make work easier for your SaaS startup company. Your customers will also love the help it provides them. And when you sign up with us, we’re ready to help you use these tools. So, take your pick, and let’s get started in giving them the best client experience. Virtua Solutions is ready to help you implement these tools successfully. 


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