SaaS startup company power users

SaaS Startup Company: Taping Into The Power Of Power Users

For a SaaS startup company, getting more people to use its services is vital for its growth. However, you often have to deal with a wide variety of customers. Finding the right ones to focus on will help you further increase your earnings. 

One of these groups is the so-called power users. But who are they exactly? And how can you better take advantage of them? Let’s explore the idea further. 

What Are SaaS Power Users Anyway? 

At its most basic, a power user is one that has been using your service for a significant period. However, what makes these power users different from regular ones is their involvement level with your product. 

Power users are some of your brand's most avid fans.
Image from Innovation Evangelism.

Whereas regular users will be content to use your product as needed, power users become more involved. They would often devout time to learn the ins and outs of your product. Thus, they have greater familiarity with the various features and are even aware of the flows they have. 

Another vital aspect of power users is how vocal they are about your product. Some would often write lengthy reviews and talk to others about why they liked it. On the other hand, they can be as vocal when they encounter flaws that affect their experience. 

Why Power Users Matter

With the level of engagement that power users have, you already have a clear idea of why you would want to capture them. But there is more to it than just that. Here are some specific ones that highlight the value of these power users. 

They Have Lower Acquisition Costs

Image from Reve Chat.

As mentioned, power users are very vocal about their experience with your product. Their worlds often have a strong influence on their peers and audiences. Hence, they can help you attract these would-be users at a much lower cost

They Can Act As A Customer Success Team

Owing to their vast knowledge about your product, power users can help other users better explore it. And they are often very enthusiastic about the work if only to show how much they love you. That makes them the effective customer success team you want in your brand. 

They Help You Uncover More Things About Your Product

Okay, this might seem odd, since it is your product after all. But with the amount of dedication power users have, they also spend a lot of time tinkering and experimenting with it. And when they uncover new things about it, they are always ready to share it with you and others. 

How Your Startup Company Can Discover Power Users

But as it turns out, these power users do not always show themselves immediately. Instead, your startup company should be ready to search for them. However, the next question is how you can spot them. Luckily, there are some useful signs. 

They Are Repeat Users

The first indicator you want to catch is the frequency they use your Saas service. Potential power users will often use your service weekly or even daily. However, beyond the frequency, you will also notice that they would purchase your new releases too. 

Power users are repeat customers of your startup company.
Image from Shopify.

Here, you might notice that they get these products even though they might not need them yet. That highlights their devotion to your brand. 

They Are Early Adopters

Another fascinating aspect of power users is that they jump to your product ahead of others. In the case of SaaS and other software products, these early adopters usually come from your crop of beta testers. They were impressed with your initial foray and are looking forward to what you can offer in the future. 

They Have Strong Opinions About Your startup Company

Okay, so we already mentioned that power users are very vocal with their thoughts about your brand. But how vocal is that exactly? Well, one thing that you might notice is that they talk about it almost every week. And we’re not just talking about them mentioning your brand. They also give a lot of feedback on things they discover about it. 

Power users hold a strong opinion of your brand.
Image from Hiver.

You will also notice them using every means to show that opinion. Social media has become a popular tool for them. However, they would also reach out to you to air their concerns. Because of that vocalness, they also have a strong influence on others. You will often see them discussing your product in detail with many people. 

How Your Startup Company Can Tap Power Users

Once you have identified potential power users, the next step is reaching out to them. Here, the trick lies in giving these users all the tools they need to do more with your product. Here, you need a clear idea of how they are using it. 

Integrating Your Product Into Their Workflows

In particular, you would want to see how they incorporate your product into their workflows. For instance, a typical power user might use your SaaS product for their main tasks. From there, you want to provide them with ways to integrate it into their processes further.

Your startup company should make SaaS product integration easier for power users.
Image from Cyclr.

One nifty strategy here is to provide your users with templates. Note that these aren’t the run-of-the-mill templates your general users have access to. Instead, they cater to the specific needs of your power users. 

Providing The Support They Need

Okay, so you are already providing customer support for all your users. But you certainly want to do more than usual. A great way to do that is by giving in-app training.   Give your power users a handy guide to your product’s advanced features. That encourages them to explore it further. 

Virtua Solutions can help you develop a full-fledged support program. Here, our agents can handle more in-depth support needs, such as complex tech concerns. Additionally, we can help you manage your online resources like knowledge bases and offline materials. This way, your power users will have information right at their fingertips. 

Helping Your Team Learn

But it is not only the power users who will need support. Your team will also need it. After all, they are the ones who will be engaging these users directly. And you don’t want them to look less knowledgeable than these users. 

startup company hybrid work risks

Virtua Solutions can also help you in this area. Here, you can entrust your employee training program to us. We will organize training sessions that match your agents. We can also keep track of agent progress to help refine the training program. 

Let Your Startup Company Gain More Power From Power Users

When tapped correctly, power users can give your SaaS startup company a major boost. And for that mission, you need the right partner. Virtua Solutions is here to help you in that mission. Contact us today and let’s get started getting that power. 


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