Meet Virtua: Chessmaster Francis Millares

Playing chess often requires a lot of mental skills. You need to know how to predict your opponent’s moves and be several steps ahead of them. And Virtua customer support agent Eric Millares knows that well. Let’s find out how he has made use of his chess prowess to be effective customer support. 

Virtua Chess Whiz

Francis Millares, or just Eric, is one of the newest agents in Virtua, having started half a year ago. He is currently assigned to client Pavlok. He says that handling this client is a unique experience due to the product it has. Pavlok sells a wrist-mounted gadget that zaps users into changing their behaviors. 

With that unique product, Eric says that he has encountered some pretty odd support questions. People would sometimes ask him if the thing actually does what it is supposed to do. Some have even asked him whether the product would even be worth the purchase. 

While he doesn’t always have the answers to the questions, he has learned how to deal with them effectively. One handy trick he has used is taking such calls in different directions. That helped him better pace the customer’s questions and look for answers from Pavlok’s website. 

Eric credits his ability to come up with such tactics quickly to chess. According to him, chess players are problem solvers by nature. They would often need to think at least six moves ahead to devise their next moves. He says that customer support agents are in the same situation, and those quick thinking skills helped him a lot in the work. 

The Virtua agent proudly declares chess to be his life’s passion, having played the sport since he was young. He has already won several competitions and considers these as some of the biggest achievements he has made. Eric also said that he has gone on to teach his beloved sport to younger players.He says that there is a lot of talent out there and that they just need some guidance to shine. Hence, he does his part to help these young players learn. 

Protecting His Rank And File

In chess, you must keep as many pieces as possible to have a better endgame strategy. Eric likens that to making sure your family is intact. And he says that he applies that idea in real life. He considers raising his family another major achievement. 

As such, the chess whiz makes sure that he spends a lot of time with his kids. He even tried to introduce his favorite sport to them. “Pero wala silang hilig (But they have no interest in it),” he chuckles. Nevertheless, his young ones are very inquisitive and would ask all sorts of questions, which he tries his best to answer. Eric ends his days by kissing his family and being thankful that they are always there. 

And there you have it, chessmaster Eric Millares. He’s certainly fascinating not just in how he moves his pawns on the board and in real life. Hear more from him when you call Virtua Outsourcing. 

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