In many business transactions, the customer buys from you just once and then parts ways, never to be seen again. While this is normal, you are missing out on the chance to boost your profits more through return purchases. But how do you reach out to these customers again? Here are some great tactics to help you get a strong start in re-engaging them.
Why You Would Want To Re-Engage Customers
To better appreciate the work put into re-engaging customers, you should know why you would do it in the first place. There are several reasons for you to embark on this effort. All of these will get your business in a better position for both resales and greater customer outreach.
Remarketing Opportunities
As we have mentioned earlier, most customers would only buy once from your business. Re-engagement can get you into the position of enticing them to buy a second or even a third time. These return purchases can significantly boost the ROI you can gain from each customer.
Recapturing Lapsed Customers
Aside from the first-time customers that have interacted with you, re-engagement can also help you recapture lapsed customers. These are the people who have canceled a transaction with you midway. By reconnecting with them, you can convince these customers to complete the transaction and potentially make a return purchase.
Increasing Customer Lifetime Value
Ultimately, re-engagement can help you improve customer lifetime value. This is the overall worth of a customer to the business throughout their relationship to it. Increased CLTV will not only give you more profits but also more savings as well. That is because keeping an existing customer will cost you less than trying to capture new ones every time.
Getting A Strong Start At Customer Re-engagement
All of the above benefits make for a strong case for re-engaging your various customers. But the question remains. How do you get a strong start on that one?
Everything begins way before you even start re-engagement. Here, you would want to capture customer contacts effectively. The idea is that if they willingly leave their contact info with you after the initial transaction, they also knowingly open the door to that future engagement.
Of course, that is not always going to be easy. Customers can be privy to giving their information to businesses. But there are a few handy tactics that will help you convince them to part ways with that info.
Exchanging Information
Since these are important contact information, offering something of the same value will convince customers to make the exchange. For instance, you can give some industry insights that the customer might find useful. From there, you can promise more in exchange for their contact.
Going On Social Media
Different social media platforms will let you collect a variety of information from the people following your pages. You also have a variety of ways to collect that information, such as interactive posts and contests. But as is with the above, you need to convince people on socials to share their contacts with you. Also, be transparent as to where you will use these contacts.
A Strong Start To Launching Your Re-Engagement Campaign
Now that you have customer contact info, the next challenge is how to initiate that re-engagement. The key here is again providing them with something of value. That offer will effectively draw their attention and get them ready to engage.
Note that you don\’t have to be overly grand here. Just sharing an article that might be interesting to customers will often be enough to draw them in. You can determine what content they will respond to based on your earlier interactions with them.
Another nifty strategy is to send them something during special occasions. Birthdays are a popular option since people are more likely to respond when someone remembers their special occasion. Here, you can provide discount offers that they can immediately use for that day.
Getting Through Unresponsive Customers
In some cases, customers might be unresponsive to your initial re-engagement efforts. That does not mean that you would give up at this point. But you need to understand what is causing this unresponsiveness.
Often, this might be due to them simply being unable to see your messages. That can be because your message got buried under tons of other messages. Also, bear in mind that other companies are trying to vie for their attention. In such cases, you might want to give it a bit more time before you re-engage again.
There might also be changes with the customer in between your initial engagement and re-engagement attempts. For this, they might be waiting for some internal feedback before responding to you. Or they might not have enough staff to respond to you. This is fairly common with B2B clients.
However, the customer might simply be avoiding you. But this does not necessarily mean that they are not interested in what you offer. They might have some concerns they are not willing to share with you just yet.
To determine which of these reasons is the case, you will need to do a bit of sleuthing. Go back to your customer relationship management database and see what kind of interactions you have with them. Consider whether their goals have changed from the previous engagements.
The sales team can also provide some insights as to why customers they have engaged with have since stopped responding. Ask them if the customer has made specific requests during the initial engagement that were not met. From there, think about how you can resolve these again.
Going Beyond And Getting A Strong Start With Customers Anew
To rekindle that relationship with unresponsive customers, you have to go the extra mile. For this, you would want to make these customers feel confident and positive about reconnecting with you. One way to do this is by making the re-engagement process easy for them.
Get a strong start by asking them if you need to present some materials and have these ready for your meeting. Complimenting them on their accomplishments also helps put them more at ease with the discussions.
More than these, you would want to take full ownership of the engagement. Here, you should be ready to respond to any issue or concerns that they might raise. This will require you to have a team that can take in the task at hand.
Virtua Outsourcing Solutions can help with that need through our customer success service. Our team of agents has a lot of experience in the art of customer re-engagement and will help you get a strong start here. Contact us today and get ready to bring back old patrons to your side.