Startup Company Promotional Strategies To Boost Your Business

Launching a new startup company involves quite a lot of work. Once you have gotten the business running, the next task is getting the word out. With that, you need the right strategies to give your new business a push. Here are some great ideas that you can explore. 

Startup Company Promotion Strategy no. 1: Start A Blog

Blogging is one of the first marketing strategies you can do for your startup company. For one, it is relatively inexpensive and you can start right away. All you need is a free blogging platform like Google’s Blogger or WordPress and some time to write. 

Don’t underestimate this simple strategy. According to one report, businesses running regular blogs can generate as much as 126% more leads than those that don’t. That is already a great incentive for you to jump into the trend. 

Getting Started

But one thing you will likely ask is how you should do it exactly. Here, you might struggle to think about what you should write. Outside of introducing your business and products, it can be hard to decide what posts would best catch the attention of your readers. 

Image from Search Engine Journal.

One nifty trick here is to list down the keywords and phrases  related to your business. Under each of these keywords, list more specific words related to them. The more specific keywords you can provide, the more potential topics you generate. Once you have your list, pick the ones that you are most familiar with and start writing. 

Startup Company Promotion no. 2: Explore Social Media

Social media is another inexpensive means of getting the word out about your new company. Facebook is one of the first platforms you should get into, mainly due to its size and reach. From there, you can jump to other platforms depending on where your would-be customers most often spend their time. 

Once you have identified the platforms to target, take time to build your social media strategy. Note that you shouldn’t limit your social media pages to just posting updates about your products. Instead, build it into a true portal where people can readily reach out to you. 

Creating Shareable Content

A particular aspect of social media that can boost your startup company’s promotional efforts is creating shareable content. The idea here is that, as your content gets shared, your company’s name also becomes more visible. Your reputation also increases and people would want to engage with you more. 

Getting people to share your content is a bit of a challenge. Here are some quick tips to increase your chances. 

  • Get visual: Photos and videos can quickly catch the attention of people, who would then be encouraged to show these to their peers. 
  • Give something useful: Images and infographics that educate followers and help them solve problems are also highly shareable pieces of content. 
  • Be timely: Keep up with the developing trends and news within your field and playoff these for your content. 
  • Include a call to action: Even a short CTA urging people to share your content is an effective way in moving them to do so. 
  • Make it easy: Always include share buttons on your site, blog, and other online content so that people can quickly post them on their own social media pages. 

Note that your first few posts might be overlooked. But as your startup company’s visibility increases, people will look back at what you have already posted. From there, they will become more interested in sharing these older posts with their peers. 

Startup Company Promotion Strategy no. 3: Boost Your Email Marketing

Ever since the advent of social media and other marketing platforms, many observers often assert that this would be the demise of email marketing. But contrary to that, it is still very much alive and a potent strategy. 

Of course, you need to do it right to better promote your startup. As is with other marketing strategies, you should with a good introduction. Instead of just presenting your company to them, tell people what value you can provide for them. This will give them a stronger reason to sign up for your email newsletters. 

Optimizing Your Email Marketing Efforts

One thing that you should do when building your startup company’s email marketing campaign is to optimize everything for mobile. This might seem a bit odd, considering most emails are just text. But if you want to add different visual elements, people should be able to see these on any device they open your email in. 

Image from CIO. com.

Personalization is another great way to make your emails more appealing and boost engagement. Take advantage of the personal information you have collected on potential clients and use it to give them offers that match their current needs. You can also use it to send out exclusive content that would further entice them. 

Startup Company Promotion Strategy no. 4: Create A Referral Strategy 

Beyond the usual marketing strategies, a simple word of mouth can go a long way in promoting your startup company. But it can also be hard to get people talking about you. As such, a referral strategy will be a lot of help. 

A good referral program is the core of that strategy. Don’t just provide any incentive. Instead, you would want to give them something that they can make use of. For instance, people would be willing to refer people to you to get sizable discounts. 

Improving Your Referral Rate

Besides the main referral program, you would also want to look for other avenues that can encourage people to talk about your brand. User-generated content is one such opportunity that you can explore. The idea here is to share content made by people to show their appreciation for your brand. 

Once you do land some referrals, be sure to act on them right away. Reach out to those and ask them what their pain points are. From there, get their attention with offers that would suit them. This makes it more likely for them to move towards your brand. 

Need Help In Promoting Your Startup? We Have You Covered

These promotional strategies will give your startup company the needed promotional push. But if you want to reach out further, you should have the right team by your side. Sign up with us today and we will give you the extra hands to prop up your business. 

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